Monday, April 8, 2019

Do others change us? (8/4/2019)

"If books and talks could change people, this world would become paradise", this I heard from someone whose talks were changing me drastically.  

Was he Right? Yes, he was. Since we are bound to live in this available society, what we hear the most since childhood is "Morality". But are we Moral beings? You are a liar if you say "Yes". As a little boy, I  had realized that you are what you hide, not what you reveal. 

But I was changing for sure, no doubt about it. Is it because everything is ever changing? People come in our lives as a phase or along with a phase. They don't bring the change, the constant change itself bring them. Our understanding and emotional & psychological needs at that particular moment pick them for us. You like Rock music in college and Ghazals in the old age. Though Rock and Ghazals both were existing all the time. 

"I was confused last night, I panicked & wandered out into the streets. The street dogs, which at first sight barked at me, soon knew I was one of them." this explained the absolute reality of my mind.

Anupam S Shlok

#people #society #change #philosophy #psychology

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