These People who update Linkedin Status every day with all the amazing things they have done in long illustrious career, won't even reply to you if you are just another guy if you are of no benefit to them, not a potential customer to them.What they want is your Likes and comments so they would reach far and far. Every morning they translate a random story of Panchatantra or Jataka tales, edit characters, make it more English and feed you.
Be Proud, You are at least a Marketing tool for the individual who has impressed you so much in recent days.
Why we all are seeking help but not ready to offer any if we are capable of.
Dear self-proclaimed XYZ subject Leaders, Motivational gurus, Believe me, 8 out of 10 connections of yours have better writing skills than you, let them realize own Potential once.
Linkedin is a strange place with 2 categories of People.We have individuals who are here for an audience and we bulk of individuals who look for sales, jobs, customers through Linkedin. Both are not interested in what other side is interested in. Still, they appear "Interested"
Aah, I don't know what I am trying to say. Happy Surfing. You just wasted some more time reading this
Anupam S Shlok
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