Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Government or God ?(07-11-2019)

Which 'G' is more dangerous? Which statement is hashtagsafer "I don't believe in God" or "I don't love my country"? God does not bother me much nowadays. People, once in a while, do try to convince me of its idiotic existence but they are manageable. They have mostly stopped killing us, as they were doing all these years of bloody history. But how do you deal with those who are killing, dying for a geographical entity temporary in nature? Millions died for USSR, where is hashtagUSSR now? We are born & from the first day, we are brainwashed to love a small piece of the planet, called a hashtagnation . Why you need a nation? Why can't I love this whole world and not a specific country? Why our presence in other 'Nations" require approvals of some hashtagPolitical idiots? Why Visa? Why I am expected to die for the love of this geographical identity? I am hashtaglife, a living organism, why we have become a hashtagpolitical and hashtagsocial entity nothing else? I am an independent life & I genuinely think hashtagDemocracy or hashtagMonarchy or any form of political arrangement which is to dictate or rule others is absolutely shit. I did not choose any idiot to decide about my life. I did not choose to pay hashtagTaxes. You know Black Mirror? I feel like "hashtagBing" of 15 million merits. Anupam S Shlok hashtagAnupamism

Saturday, November 2, 2019

मैं राष्ट्रगान पर खड़ा नहीं होता।(30-Oct-2019)

छोटों को मां बाप के पैर छूने ही चाहिए, ये सम्मान का प्रतीक है। पर अगर वो नही छूते तो पड़ोसियों को हक़ नहीं मिल जाता उन्हें पीटने का। आप अपनी इच्छा से भारतीय नहीं बने, कोई भी अपनी इच्छा से अपनी पसंद की जगह पैदा नहीं होता। आप किसी भी एक Random जगह पैदा हो जाते हो, और उस देश की सरकारें आपको उस देश से प्यार करने के लिए ,जान देने के लिए तैयार करती हैं। ना वो देश आपका चुनाव था, न उस देश में चलने वाले कानून आपने चुने थे। पर समाज को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए ये जरूरी है कि लोग एक विचारधारा को ही मानें। हालांकि इस समाज का हिस्सा बनना भी आपका चुनाव नही था। राष्ट्गान मुझे एक तो आधा समझ नहीं आता , दूसरा मुझे लगता है वो काफी खराब लिखा गया है। उतना ही ख़राब जितने रामायण के कुछ श्लोक, क़ुरान की कुछ आयतें, या बाइबिल के कुछ वर्स लिखे गए है।अब आप जबरदस्ती मुझे मारपीट कर कहेंगे, कि नही इसका सम्मान करो इसपे खड़े हो जाओ तो हो सकता है में डर के आपकी बात मान लूँ , पर आप मेरे विचार को मेरे अंदर से कैसे निकालेंगे। पंजाब , सिंध, गुजरात , मराठा... ये "सिंध" कहाँ पड़ता है बे....? इन ठेठ राष्ट्रवादियों से कहो कि पहले सिंध भारत में मिला लें उसके बाद हम अर्बन नक्सलो को धमकाए राष्ट्र के चिन्हों के सम्मान के लिए। अग़र राष्टवाद के नाम पे राष्ट्रगान थोपना सही है, तो तमिलनाडु पर हिंदी थोपा जाना, बिहारिओं को मराठी के लिए पीटा जाना भी सही है। Anupam S Shlok hashtagAnupamism

Friday, November 1, 2019

Delhi ka Darinda (31-Oct-2019)

Oh, we all hated that allegedly pervert hashtagSaravjeet. That guy who supposedly hashtagsexually abused this innocent college going girl at a public place. This 'brave' girl somehow clicked his photograph & posted on Fb to expose his bad intentions. Surprisingly, the judge, after 4 years of continuous hate towards him, found him "hashtagNotGuilty". Crime against women is a shame for a civilized society but do you have any clue how many crimes registered of that nature are hashtagfake? A simple google search will tell you that, in an endeavor to make this Society "Equal" we are pulling Male down. I personally know at least 10 women who have divorced husbands for various reasons but to make husband's life vulnerable, registered dowry case against them, obviously to claim huge alimony. Do you know how many Rape cases are actually fake? Dear women, you understand this that consensual sex which does not reach to marriage is not always rape by man, you know that right? Do you watch hashtagBigBoss? This fraud feminist Debolina, scared of strongest contestant Siddharth Shukla, threatening to use hashtagMeToo against him. I mean, is she the only woman thinks that way? Haven't we all faced this at least once in life? I hashtagrespect women but only those who deserve it. Anupam S Shlok hashtagAnupamism

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hard Work is overrated (29-08-2019)

#HardWork has been an overrated concept for so long. If Hard work ensures success, who has done more hard work than farmers historically? And the same farmer tops the list of the professionals committing suicide.

If success means becoming a celebrity and giving interviews, there is no formula to achieve that. People who teach you a formula of success are conning you and more importantly conning themselves.

Society randomly picks celebrities. Some 1000 years ago, philosophers were the biggest celebrities. Do you know the name of a single philosopher today?

Imagine a guy from 19th century visits us today and gets to know that Cricketers are the biggest celebrities today or movie stars.

Believe me, you have no tool to reach success. You don't choose success, success chooses you.

Anupam S Shlok

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Benjamin Andrew Strokes (26-Aug-2019)

Recently delivered one of the greatest ODI innings in World Cup Finals.

Yesterday played one of the greatest Test innings in the Ashes.

It is not long ago when this guy was arrested, people treated him like a villain, he wasn't sure if he would be part of the World cup team.

Within a span of a couple of months, he has turned out to be one of the finest cricketing heroes not only for English Fans but cricket lovers in general.

People who have watched his both of the innings would agree that whatever he is delivering is not only because of his skills but something unexplainable, I call it "favorable Randomness" & people call it #Destiny.

Success is that #Randomness. You have similar skills & determination but suddenly everything starts working for you as if someone is scripting your success story.

I often say this "You don't choose success, success chooses you."

Anupam S Shlok

Is Inclusiveness a threat for Sanatana Dharma ? (25-Aug-2019)

I was visiting #Ramnagar for the first time in 10 years when it started raining. I had no place to go so I chose to take shelter in a nearby #Vishnu Temple next to a #Sai Temple.

The only other person to give me the company was an old Pandit Ji.

As usual,as a notorious student of comparative #Religions, noticing the 'pratishthith" statue of #GuruNanak, I asked him,"Sikhs chose to throw Lord Vishnu's statue from Golden Temple in the year 1910 citing we are a separate identity & not #Hindus than why we are worshipping Guru Nanak in a Vishnu Temple"

He answered me this "Lord #Hanuman took birth at least 12000 years ago & Sai Baba, whose real name most probably is Chand miyan existed mere 100 years ago. Still, in the neighboring temple, you will find a statue of Hanuman worshipping Sai. Now, most of the people visit Sai Baba & not this temple. #Inclusiveness is the very nature of this Culture. Either you crib about everything you think is corruption or accept everyone & make them our own."

"But isn't this a threat for #Sanatana Dharma." I counter questioned?

"We are here for 5000 years & going strong in similar ways, who else has survived for so long?"He had a point.

He gave me prasad, I came out of the temple, I am not sure if it was still raining?

Anupam S Shlok

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

ये दुनिया जो है भाईसाब, बिल्कुल भी "fair" नहीं है।(6-Aug-2019)

जीवन में कई मौके आएंगे और आये होंगे जब आपको मन मारके रहना पड़ा होगा।कोई बेवकूफ आपको ज्ञान बघार गया होगा,कोई बड़ी उम्र का फायदा उठा लेगा और कोई छोटी उम्र का।कोई पैसे की शान दिखा गया होगा,कोई अंग्रेजी की,कोई पद का फायदा उठाएगा कोई आपके शांत स्वभाव का।

आपको जीवन का हर वो क्षण याद रहता है जब आपको नीचा दिखाया गया था।हालांकि वो बिल्कुल याद नही रहता जब जब आपने किसी को नीचा दिखाया था। 😜

अब होता ये है कि उस समय आप खुद से वादा कर लेते हो कि "बेटा 1 दिन दिखाऊंगा तुन्हें",सारे "मोटिवेशन" वाले भी यही सिखायेंगे की अंत में सब "बैलेंस" हो जाता है।बुरे के साथ बुरा अच्छे के साथ अच्छा होता है।

झूठ बोलते है **!

दुनिया में सबको बदला लेने का अवसर नहीं मिलता।अगर ऐसा होता तो दुनिया कबकी खत्म हो गई होती।न ही अंत में सब ठीक हो जाता है।असली मोटिवेशन इसी बात को समझने में है,झूठ के साथ रहने में नही।

सबसे बड़ा बदला होती है 'सफलता"।जब आप सफल हो जाते हो,तो आप उन सबसे बदला ले लेते हो जिनके चेहरे भी आपको याद नहीं।पर सफलता की सबसे बड़ी दिक्कत ये है कि आप उसे नही चुनते,वो आपको चुनती है। आपको बस मौके पकड़ने का इंतज़ार करना होता है।और अगर वो मौका चूक गया तो..जीवन में न,मौके बहुत नहीं मिलते।

इसलिए तैयार रहे,आधे मौके को पूरा बनाने के लिए,क्योंकि आपने उन सबसे,जिनसे आपने बहुत नफरत की है,उन सबसे बदला भी तो लेना है जी।

Anupam S Shlok