Friday, April 5, 2019

Medicine make you sick ( 4-Apr-2019)

In rural India, it's common to come across 80+ old men and women who are chewing tobacco for the last 60 years or smoking unfiltered Bidi for half a century. Why ain't they dying of Heart attacks or cancers? Doctors have known a bit about our body, but what they don't know is immense. This protein, vitamin, the organic drama is nothing but similar to "Diamond is forever" Marketing gimmick. More medicines you take, more vulnerable you are to diseases. Trust your body, it has a powerful capability to heal itself. I am the only 6+ feet guy in my Locality & interestingly our family is the only pure vegetarian family here. I never had any egg product forget about meat,I hate milk because I feel the dairy industry is unethical & super violent. The only disease once in a year I suffer from is fever, which never crosses 100 mark. They say your brain does not grow if you don't take particular food, from that logic I'll be the dumbest person existing. I mentioned a 90-year-old malishwali in my last post who has never visited a doctor in last 50 years. She hardly gets food 3 times a day, has no home, no protein intake, no balanced diet, but she is one of the healthiest women I have known. "They are making us ill to accommodate new doctors".

Anupam S. Shlok hashtagAnupamism

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