Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sad end of Rohit tiwari's sad story(25-Apr-2019)

In 2008, this guy Rohit Shekhar Tiwari filed a paternity suit against his father N.D. Tiwari, who was 4 time CM and in early 1990s prime contender to become PM of India. His father accepted him as a son in 2014 and eventually married her mother, once the DNA result confirmed his claim. Now in 2019, at the age of 40, the girl sitting next to him, his wife for 1 year, murdered him when he was drunk. It was a love marriage. His mother says that they were in a failed marriage. "We live in misery and die in misery. We are hopeful that out tomorrow will be better than today. Unfortunately, for most of the people that tomorrow never comes", my favorite philosopher quotes this though I don't agree to him for obvious reasons. Being an Uttarakhandi, I have followed this guy's story since ever. Some people are simply born to struggle and that struggle never gets over. This story also tells the diminishing and corruption of the Indian family system. A Product of adultery, Rohit, is a prime example of how situation dictates human life. Was he with some other woman or her wife was influenced by some other man, we will know all this in coming days but as an Individual, his lifelong sufferings have come to an end.

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