"Blind girl" was unhappy with this whole world. Frustrated, abusive, she did not like to talk to anyone except "Suraj". This guy loved her, would do silly things to make her feel happy.
She was laughing madly at a joke of his when she said that if she could see the world, she would definitely marry him.
Two months later, someone donated eyes to her. The operation was successful, she could see this world for the first time. She met Suraj and was surprised by the fact that Suraj was blind too.
Suraj in a cheerful tone asked her "Now you can see this world, will you marry me?"
She refused politely, she liked him but she wanted to live a "Normal" life. Suraj gave her a small gift in Golden packing and walked away, he was crying. She opened the Gift after a couple of hours, it had a diamond ring & a small paper chit saying "Now you have to take care of my eyes".
Look back at your life and try to recall those people who have sacrificed immensely to make you whatever you are today. Have you done enough for them, have you thanked them? Your Parents, your friends, your teachers, wife, siblings or even strangers? Did you recognize their sacrifice?
Close your eyes. Do you see any faces?
Call them & say two words, "Sorry & Thanks"!
Anupam S Shlok