Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Which Category are you?(6-Feb-2018)

Most #Intelligent people in this world are already out of world's reach. The first thing they realize is "It's all meaningless".(Obviously, they are not on #Linkedin)

#Mediocre see dreams, fight with other mediocre to Rule or impress a significant population, & want to sell Services, Products, Talent to them.

Remember, anyone who claims "I am #dumb", is not. 

Interestingly, the Real potential is the #Confused category. They, at times, feel "What are we doing, it's all meaningless", 5 minutes later they motivate themselves to establish most innovative organization Human history has ever seen. And while saying this, they think they are not Dumb.

I am a Proud #Confused.

Anupam Sharma Shlok

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