Monday, May 13, 2019

Knowledge corrupts our vision to see reality(13/05/2019)

#BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) is known as Party of #Dalit #Empowerment. This Lok Sabha #Elections, they gave tickets to 16 candidates from UP.


11 out of 16 are upper cast.
4 are specifically #Brahmins.

Do they represent Dalits anymore?

#Alexander wanted to win the whole world, he thought the world ends at #India. After winning Central #Asia, he reached present-day #Pakistan. Here, a local king Poras or #Puru harmed Alexander so much that his soldiers denied entering the mainland. Injured Alexander went back to #Babylon & died in no time because of wounds given by Puru.

How Alexander became "the great"?

How many of you believe that LinkedIn post of a CEO makes more sense than the post of an Executive?

How many of you believe that #Linkedin post from Amazon employee makes more sense than a post of an employee of a small firm?

Someone from Delhi vs Lakhimpur?
Someone from IIT vs a college in interiors of cochin?

We fool ourselves by assuming that education, books or any form of #knowledge give us the understanding to see things as they are. However, what they only do is to give us images & manipulative ideas.

Knowledge corrupts our vision to see reality. (If anything called reality exists)

The only reality we experience is 'Imposed Reality'

Anupam S. Shlok

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