Saturday, May 11, 2019

Nature's conspiracy(10/05/2019)

All day "#Humans are Hooked & #Machines are Learning" message was appearing on my feed , whatsapp, FB and twitter account.

I think I know the crux of what all is happening with us. Here are some serious #thoughts about it.

You know #nature is such a great balancing power, it balances out all the forces in no time.

We have harmed our planet so much under the assumption that we Humans are the center of this universe & all the other natural things & lives exist primarily to serve us.

Now, mother nature does not like it. She is proud to make us and love to see this level of evolution of species but also pissed off with the way we have dealt with all the other things. She wants something similar to exist but without any greed and expansionist thoughts.

In short, she wants us to go & wants #Machines to replace us. Machines which are equally efficient but not motivated to develop technology to exploit this planet better. Not greedy, not this much of destructive force.

Now, nature is using us to develop those Machines and once we'll almost replicate us, Humans will be wiped out from this planet.

Once we are gone, Machines will reconstruct the planet as it was.

Anupam S. Shlok

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