Thursday, May 2, 2019

Selfish Linkedin girl ๐Ÿ˜‚ (1st May 2019)

I received a message with Subject line "HI hashtagDude " from a recently added unknown connection. "Hey, hashtagAnu awesome picture. I have been following you for some time. Are you an HR? hashtagBuddy, please visit my profile & suggest job opportunities. Share your email ID as well" Message sender must be in her late 20s, who looked pretty attractive in her office attire. I looked at the message in awe for 5 minutes, spent the next 5 minutes on her profile, obviously after turning my laptop, making sure my wife does not see it. Her choice of words was pushing me to reply immediately. I thought all the crap, especially revealing or not that I recently got married. I finally replied this, "Hey, thanks for great words of appreciation. You work in completely different industry & unfortunately, I am almost "Unemployed" so practically would not be able to help you currently, still my email is . Let's get connected over the phone, what is your phone number? She replied back with an alone "OK" within seconds. An hour later I messaged her reminding to giver her phone number. "I don't give my number to strangers" was the last reply before she blocked me. Interestingly, my phone was with my wife & Linkedin account is configured in it. Anupam S. Shlok hashtagAnupamism

The original post was written on (30 Nov 2017) -

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