Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Dad's Books (18-Jul-2019)

I got my reading habits from my dad, though ideologically I am almost hashtagopposite to him. The last conversation we had, just before he left us in the year 2012, was hashtagethics & place of hashtagCharvaka philosophy in Indian Darshan. He thought charvakas manipulated, corrupted hashtagVedic Literature by adding & deleting original content and I felt they were a group of unorganized hashtagrational people who were least interested in attracting others to the group, they utmost gave alternate hashtaginterpretation, not manipulation. Nevertheless, today I 'repaired' his collection of hashtagSanskrit books. These are 50-100-year-old books, some of them belongs to my grandfather. I could literally see him on the side notes he has written all over the books. Wow, these books. Ain't we the last hashtaggeneration to love these chronically arranged papers? What say? Anupam S Shlok hashtagAnupamism

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